All Information (Except Text) for H.R. 4286 – Student Loan Grace Period Extension Act 112th Congress (2011-2012)

All Information (Except Text) for H.R. 4286 – Student Loan Grace Period Extension Act 112th Congress <a href="">online payday loans</a> (2011-2012)

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Quick Titles

Quick Titles – Home of Representatives

Quick Titles as Introduced

Education Loan Grace Period Extension Act

Formal Titles

Formal Titles – Home of Representatives

Formal Title as Introduced

To replace and expand the elegance duration before payment begins on Federal Direct Stafford loans and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans.

Actions Overview (1)

03/28/2012 Introduced in Home

03/28/2012 Introduced in Home

All Actions (4)

09/26/2012 Referred in to the Subcommittee on advanced schooling and Workforce Training.
Action By: Committee on Education as well as the Workforce
03/28/2012 Referred in to the home Committee on Education while the Workforce. Continue reading